American Hunter - NRA - Jonathan Draper in Rincon
21 de Septiembre 2018
Located just southwest of Córdoba, Parque Rincón de Luna is a beautiful hunting outfit covering thousands of acres of land seemingly cut right out of a Tolkien novel. They call it the Calamuchita Valley, and beyond the high hills to the west, the mountain peaks drop off into the lowlands, where hunters venture to shoot doves in an aerial spectacle that rivals none other. But here, on the east side of the mountains, where the yellow hills of grass crack and split with dark granite protruding from underneath like ancient scars, it is almost entirely void of trees, and birds of any kind seem rather absent. No, this land teams with four-legged beasts, non-native horned game that have earned a living outrunning the puma that lurk within the dark crags and cliffs. There are also beasts of such size and demeanor that they don’t need to run, as any misinformed puma need only learn once. This land was the stomping ground of water buffalo, black buck, fallow deer, mouflon, multi-horned goats with horns that would make Lucifer jealous, and my target species, red stag.

Big game
Rodeado de grandes montañas, profundas quebradas y valles ocultos hacen que una gran aventura de cacería sea posible. Los caballos proporcionan...

Fly fishing
Los innumerables saltos, pozos y agua fría de nuestros ríos crean un ambiente perfecto para la trucha arcoíris y de arroyo...

Our adventures
Para una experiencia completa de Argentina Rincón de Luna sugiere y ofrece combos que complementan la caza mayor para tu experiencia completa...