Rincon de Luna! What an Experience! The time I`ve spent here has exceeded all expectations in every way. The lodge and facilities are absolutely incredible.! The property is stunning. You truly make us feel much more like friends and family than like clients. Thank you all.
Matt Smith, Oregon. USA.
The facilities and service are first class. The food is world class, the hunting was more that I had dreamt. But most importan of all are the staff and people that make this possible. We have made friends and have memories that will last a lifetime.
Richard Papera, Verona. New Jersey. USA.
Sinceramente me quedo corta de palabras para describir nuestra experiencia en este pedacito de cielo en la tierra. Nos partimos con dolor en el alma y en el costillar de tanto reírnos. Estos momentos no tiene precio.
Vicente & Myrna Suarez. San Juan .Puerto Rico.
We truly enjoyed all the attetion given to us. Everyneed was met and with such detail. The family and staff is truly wonderful and a delight to spend time with. The hunt of course, was spectacular and tour guides and land even more so.
Anne & Sergio Roque. Miami, FL. USA.
Rincon de Luna will have lasting life long memories in my heart, what a complete experience at hunting in Argentina. The service and attenction to detail has set the standard for any outfitter to follow but, its doubtful anyone can match!. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Greg Ennos, Charlotte, NC. USA.
Rincon de Luna! What an Experience! The time I`ve spent here has exceeded all expectations in every way. The lodge and facilities are absolutely incredible.! The property is stunning. You truly make us feel much more like friends and family than like clients. Thank you all.
Matt Smith, Oregon. USA.
To the management and staff, thank you for the best hunts of my life, the lodge, the food and the people! A “mountanineer” from Morgantown, West Virginia.
Craig Hartzell, West Virgina. USA.
El lugar es maravilloso y la fauna, abundante pero lo major…. Su gente. Hemos pasada una semana inovidable. Realmente no puede haber sido mejor. Gracias Mil!!
Eduardo Poma. El Salvador.
This was my stepson`s first hunting trip and it was great to share this experience with a new hunter. He shot a nice stag on the last morning. Which was a delightful way to end the trip. The Rincon de Luna Staff were a great group commited to service. We had a lot of laughs, great wine, good food and new friends. Thank you for a great experience.
Mike Fitzgerald & Jeremy Matelan. Frontiers Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
Our experience at Rincon de Luna was unlike anything we have experienced, the staff and the lodge was incredible and anticipated our every need. The hunting was phenomenal, we made so many friends on out visit and would love to return.
Louis & Cherryl Lampitelli, Long Island, NY. USA.
Thank you to all the owners and staff at Rincon de Luna. One of the most beautiful places I`ve ever hunted. Comfortable accommodations and gracious hosts. Authentic hunting on horses can`t be beat. I hope I can return again.
Chris Colville, Houston, TX.
Magnifico! Out time here at Rincon de Luna has been short of nothing. So special and truly inspiring. The hunting challenging, very enjoyable and magnificient animals. The staff and all the guides are now our Argentina Family! This is how you fell, part of a family, truly welcoming.
A part of us we are leaving here…. We can`t wait to come back Muchas Gracias.
Clare and Ian Harford. Derbyshire, England.
Words escape us ( hard to believe ! ). This has been an awesome experience from arrival to departure. The hospitality, accommodations, food and hunting exceeded our expectations ten fold.
Don & Judy Chapman. Chicago, IL. USA.
Beatiful, awesome, vast, rugged, magical all are words that come to mind. And the owners with the staff went above and beyond to make our stay superb. I can`t say enough about the attention to detail. The hunting was great, exciting and we were able to see abundant red stag. Loved the horses!!
Bernie Rabbito & Diane Kinzie, Wriggs, ID. USA.

Big game
Rodeado de grandes montañas, profundas quebradas y valles ocultos hacen que una gran aventura de cacería sea posible. Los caballos proporcionan...

Fly fishing
Los innumerables saltos, pozos y agua fría de nuestros ríos crean un ambiente perfecto para la trucha arcoíris y de arroyo...

Our adventures
Para una experiencia completa de Argentina Rincón de Luna sugiere y ofrece combos que complementan la caza mayor para tu experiencia completa...